Travel insurance

Direct booker advantages

Holiday in Germany, but safely

You fall ill before your journey, a relative has an accident, you are affected by a dismissal for operational reasons! You arrive late due to a car breakdown during or shortly before your journey? We cannot compensate you for the loss of holiday enjoyment, but we can compensate you for possible financial damage! ERV (Europäische Reiseversicherung AG) will cover your financial risk of cancellation or delayed arrival for an insured reason for as little as €6.00. Europäische Reiseversicherung AG is a specialist insurer of the ERGO insurance company.

Was ist die ERV?

Die Europäische Reiseversicherung (ERV) der ERGO bietet umfassenden Schutz für Reisende, einschließlich Reiseabbruch-, Reisegepäck- und Auslandskrankenversicherungen, die weltweit gültig sind. Sie deckt unerwartete Ereignisse wie Krankheit, Unfall oder den Verlust von Gepäck ab und ermöglicht eine schnelle Erstattung von Kosten, die durch Reiseunterbrechungen oder -stornierungen entstehen. Ein besonderer Vorteil ist der 24/7-Notfallservice, der Reisende in Notlagen unterstützt und schnelle Hilfe organisiert. Darüber hinaus bietet die ERV flexible Versicherungsoptionen, die sich an die individuellen Bedürfnisse und Reisegewohnheiten der Kund*innen anpassen lassen, was sowohl für Einzelreisende als auch für Familien oder Geschäftsreisende ideal ist.

Don't forget travel insurance - it can be expensive without it.

Cancellation insurance

Cancellation insurance offers you protection not only in the event of cancellation, but also in the event of an unexpected interruption of the trip. In this case, ERGO Reiseversicherung AG will cover the costs for the unused days of your stay. This means you are optimally protected financially before and during your trip. The loss of your hotel or holiday apartment key and damage to furniture are also insured.

CancellationPlus insurance

The CancellationPlus insurance offers more than the standard insurance: In addition to the benefits of the Cancellation insurance, it also includes medical repatriation with emergency medical assistance (not covered by statutory health insurance), luggage insurance and bicycle protection.

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